King Snake

King Snake in Gina's Garden Diva found a king snake in Gina's garden. A good thing she can't get in. We like those non-venimous snakes that eat mice and even other snakes. Une couleuvre tachetée dans le jardin de Gina Diva a trouvé une couleuvre tachetée dans le jardin de Gina. C'est une bonne chose […]

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Growing Grapes

Growing Grapes The grapes are growing fast and we might actually have a lot if the wind doesn't blow them away, if the sun doesn't burn them, and if the birds don't eat them. Le raisin pousse Les grapes de raisin poussent vite et nous devrions en avoir beaucoup si le vent ne les souffle […]

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Willcox Wine Festival

Willcox Wine Festival Last weekend was the Willcox Wine Festival. Very good wine festival for CHV. Very good sales. we're happy. Le festival du vin à Willcox. Le weekend dernier a été le festival du vin à Willcox. Très bon festival du vin pour CHV. Beaucoup de ventes de bouteilles de vins. Nous sommes très […]

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And another snake again

Another snake Yet This one in the fountain is a whip snake (Masticophis), also a good one to keep rodents population low. Un autre serpent encore Celui ci, dans la fontaine, est une couleuvre Masticophis, aussi très bon pour controler la population des rongeurs.

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Another snake

Another snake. This one is a gopher snake. Very good to keep rodents population down as well as rattlesnakes away. Un autre serpent. C'est une couleuvre à nez mince. Très bon pour garder la population des rongeurs sous control ainsi que de se débarrasser des serpents à sonnettes.

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Snakes again

Snakes We saw 3 rattlesnakes this afternoon. They were supposed to be sleeping as it was a hot day.   Serpents, Nous avons vu 3 serpents à sonnettes cette après-midi. Il étaient supposés faire la sieste puisqu'il faisait chaud aujourd'hui.  

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Nematodes We have nematodes, tinny worms that eat vine roots, so to fight them, I'm adding more...But those are predatory nematodes, aka carnivores, and will feast on the bad ones...and other bugs by laying eggs in them. That's better than chemicals. Nématodes Nous avons une infestation de nématodes, de petits vers qui mangent les racines […]

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A baby Goat is born

A baby Goat is born A baby Goat is born Yesterday (Sunday) around 8am. It's a boy so no names. We were checking on the mom every 30 minutes but it is born in between, so we missed it. Une petite chèvre est née... Une petite chèvre est née hier (Dimanche) vers 8 heure du […]

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Wine festival in Tombstone

Wine festival in Tombstone The wine festival in Tombstone. Very Farwest, but not too good for sales. I had a good time though. Le festival du vin à Tombstone Le festival du vin à Tombstone.Très typique, mais pas très bon pour les ventes. Mais j'ai passé un bon temps.

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Tucson Wine & Opera Festival

Tucson Wine & Opera Festival The Bravo festival was only one day but it was good for CHV. Not only we sold a lot of wine but while listening to opera singers. A delight. <no pictures/pas de photos> Festival du vin et de l'opéra à Tucson Le festival Bravo n'a duré qu'un jour mais il […]

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