Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all from the CHV Team Reminder: We'll be closed on Thanksgiving day. But we are now open 5 days a week, from Wednesday to Sunday 11am to 5pm, or noon to 6pm on Saturday's We'll also be closed on Christmas and New Year's day.

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Finally new numbers

New numbers I printed using a laser printer some new numbers on wood for the rows in the vineyard hoping they will last longer than the paper ones. Nouveau numeros J’ai imprimé, utilisant une imprimante à laser, de nouveaux numéros sur bois pour identifier les rangées dans le vignoble en espérant que les numéros résisterons […]

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Getting in the mood

Merry Christmas The landscape is black, but what to expect in 2020? The Christmas village is up and has lights at the CHV, GRV, & Strive Tasting Room in Willcox...come and see. It is on display every day from Wednesday to Sunday, when GRV is open. I’m there only on Saturday though! If you can […]

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Copper Horse Vineyard Thanksgiving

Copper Horse Vineyard Thanksgiving Black Friday ( and Saturday) sales 10% off any wine  and 20% off half a case ( 6 bottles of any kind). We’ll be open on Black Friday and Saturday from 11am to 5 pm, so come and visit us. Club members: you get 20% off AND free tasting. (Offer good […]

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Snow and Solar System

Snow and Solar System When it snows, it is necessary to clean the Solar Panels so they can produce some power. The cleaning is a little like scrapping a windshield in a winter morning except, in my case, it more like scrapping an entire parking lot...We have 54 panels to clean one by one. I […]

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Snow, snow, snow

It is snowing today. A white Christmas?...Wait, wait, it is not even Thanksgiving nor Halloween, it is only October 27th, 2020! The air conditioning is still on 81°F from Yesterday but it is 29°F outside and the farm, and the solar panels, are covered with snow. Yesterday was a hot Summer, and today it is […]

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Fertilize the land

Use our own made fertilizer in the vineyard. We mixed our own fertilizer: Rosy’s manure, the goat, and any paper scrap and hashes we have around. We also add Used coffee grounds Nous utilisons notre  propre angrais: mixture de manure de Rosy, des chèvres, et les morceaux de papier-mâché et de cendres que nous avons […]

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Yes, I’m still working

My sexy outfit at the tasting room, My safety as well as the safety of our customers come first...and they are not required to wear a mask while tasting, although we provide straws for those who want -:)   Mon look sexy au magazin Ma santee et celle de nos clients en premier.. et puis […]

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A typical morning at the Barn

Milking the goats Every morning when the sun rises, we start by milking the goats and feed all the animals before having breakfast. Traire les chèvres Tous les matins au levé du soleil, nous commençons par traire les chèvres et nourrir tous leas animaux, avant même d'avoir notre petit déjeuné.

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Birds love Tempranillo

Birds love Tempranillo They are eating all the grapes they can and it is only 19 bricks...So we are covering it with nets to try and save as many as possible for harvest which should be in a couple of weeks now. Les oiseaux adore le Tempranillo Ils mangent tous les raisins qu'ils peuvent et […]

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