Finally new numbers

New numbers I printed using a laser printer some new numbers on wood for the rows in the vineyard hoping they will last longer than the paper ones. Nouveau numeros J’ai imprimé, utilisant une imprimante à laser, de nouveaux numéros sur bois pour identifier les rangées dans le vignoble en espérant que les numéros résisterons […]

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Fertilize the land

Use our own made fertilizer in the vineyard. We mixed our own fertilizer: Rosy’s manure, the goat, and any paper scrap and hashes we have around. We also add Used coffee grounds Nous utilisons notre  propre angrais: mixture de manure de Rosy, des chèvres, et les morceaux de papier-mâché et de cendres que nous avons […]

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Birds love Tempranillo

Birds love Tempranillo They are eating all the grapes they can and it is only 19 bricks...So we are covering it with nets to try and save as many as possible for harvest which should be in a couple of weeks now. Les oiseaux adore le Tempranillo Ils mangent tous les raisins qu'ils peuvent et […]

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Time flies

It is all happening so fast... Two weeks ago we had buds in the vineyard, then leafs, and now flowers are coming. Before you know it we'll have grapes and then it'll be time to harvest and make wine, Corona Virus or not. Tout arrive si vite... Il y a  à peine deux semaines nous […]

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What happened to Spring?

We're already in Summer Not only the weather is much nicer and warmer, but the day are much longer. It feels like summer. What happened to spring? Nous sommes déjà en été. Non seulement le temps est beau et chaud, mais les jours sont beaucoup plus longs. On se croirait en été. Ou est passé […]

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Pruning is over

We finish the pruning... ....thanks to a wwoofer who spent 2 weeks with us working hard everyday to make it happened. She left and the next wwoofers cancelled because of the current crisis. Nous avons fini la taille des vignes... ...grace à une wwoofeuse qui a passée deux semaines avec nous à travailler dur tous […]

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The vineyard is growing

In spite of everything.... In spite of everything, aka the virus, life goes on and the vineyard is growing. We have leaves growing everywhere. A good thing we for done with the pruning today! Malgrès tout ce qui se passe... Malgrès tout ce qui se passe, comme le Corona Virus, la vie continue et le […]

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The last Wwoofers of the season

The last Wwoofers of the season We had 2 wwoofers to end the season. They did a lot of weeding, buildup the rock wall around the guest house a bit, and spread the manure/compost in the vineyard using my new toy. We are now ready for the winter. Les dernières Wwoofeuses de la saison Nous […]

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We got lot of work done

We got lot of work done in the Vineyard With that new wwoofer, we get lots of work done. She is unstoppable. We are lucky to have her. She is full of energy. She helped with the animals, the manure, the compost and the deck for the pool Nous avons fait beaucoup de travail dans […]

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A new wwoofer

A new wwoofer (Willing Worker On Organic Farms) We got a new wwoofer, Jamie, and she is fabulous. Quick learner, hardworker, and do it all. Perfect wwoofer. Une nouvelle wwoofeuse (Travailleur Volontaire dans une ferme Organique) Nous avons une nouvelle wwoofeuse, Jamie, et elle est fantastique. Elle apprend vite, travaille dur et fait tout. Wwoofer […]

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